Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team Recruiting Guide


In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, it is possible to obtain all 386 Pokemon by recruiting them into your Rescue Team. With the exception of certain Pokemon which join your team automatically, other Pokemon have to be recruited from the wild.

Pokemon recruitment works in this way. Whenever you defeat a wild Pokemon, there is a chance that it will request to join your rescue force, and you can accept or decline each offer.

For a Pokemon to be successfully recruited, you still have to escort it out of the dungeon, either by clearing all the floors, warping out after finishing a mission, or using an Escape Orb. Note that the Escape Orb would not work on special floors, such as floors with Legendaries like the Regis. Another thing of note is that you will lose your recruited Pokemon if it falls into a Pitfall Trap before you successfully escort it out of the dungeon.

Subsequently, upon leaving the dungeon, your recruited Pokemon will disperse to their Friend Areas.


To successfully recruit a Pokemon, there are several requirements which have to be fulfilled. They are:

1. Corresponding Friend Areas

To recruit a Pokemon, you must first have its Friend Area so that the Pokemon will have a place to live in once recruited. For a list of Pokemon and their Friend Areas, refer to the Friend Area Listings

There are, however, some exceptions to this rule. Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Lugia, Celebi, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Deoxys and Celebi can be recruited without their Friend Areas. Instead, you automatically gain access to the Friend Area of each Pokemon when you recruit them.

2. The Final Blow

For a Pokemon to stand a chance of being recruited, it must be defeated by the Team Leader, which means that you have to get your Team Leader to land the final blow on the Pokemon.

3. Body Size

You must have enough room in your party for a Pokemon to be recruited. The maximum permissible Body Size of a party is six stars. To check a Pokemon's Body Size, access the menu, go to Team, and check the Info of the Pokemon.

4. Number of Pokemon in Party

You are only allowed to bring up to three Pokemon, including the Team Leader, into any dungeon. You are, however, allowed to add a fourth member by recruitment. If your party already has four Pokemon, you will not be able to recruit any more Pokemon.

Recruitment Percentages

Most Pokemon have a base recruitment percentage, which is its chance of requesting to join your team when defeated. For example, a Squirtle has a base recruitment percentage of 11.7%. This means that whenever you defeat a Squirtle in the wild, it has an 11.7% chance of requesting to join your team.

Note that some Pokemon, including most evolved Pokemon, have negative recruitment chances. Many evolved Pokemon are impossible to recruit as well. For instance, Wartortle has a base recruitment percentage of -19%, so it will never be able to join your team unless you can raise its recruitment chance. Other evolved Pokemon like Gyarados and Milotic cannot be recruited, but must be evolved from their unevolved counterparts.

See our Recruitment Percentages Guide for more info.

Recruitment Bonuses

Recruitment bonuses are bonuses to base recruitment percentages which will allow you to capture Pokemon with negative base recruitment percentages.

The Friend Bow

The Friend Bow is a rare item which can be found at Mt. Faraway, 30F. You will need a key to gain access to it. You can also find additional Friend Bows on sale in Kecleon Shops in Joyous Tower. When equipped to your Team Leader, it increases the recruitment percentage of all Pokemon by 10%.

Your Level

You also get different recruitment bonuses for different levels. As such, do train up your Pokemon to higher levels to boost your chances of recruiting other Pokemon. Here are the bonuses:

Level Bonus
Level 0-29 0%
Level 30-39 5%
Level 40-49 7.5%
Level 50-59 10%
Level 60-69 12.5%
Level 70-79 15%
Level 80-89 17.5%
Level 90-100 24%

Other Factors?

The Friend Bow and level bonuses are the only ways to raise recruitment percentages. Other factors, such as your Rescue Team Rank, the IQ of your lead and partner Pokemon, as well as your partner Pokemon's levels do not affect recruitment percentages.


This section describes how one can recruit Kecleon, which is a popular question among many players.

The lowest base recruitment percentage existing in the game is that of Kecleon, which is -33.9%. While other Pokemon such as the Kanto starters' final forms have -33.9% for their base recruitment rates, they can be obtained by evolving their earlier forms. On the other hand, the only way to get a Kecleon is to recruit it from the wild.

To find wild Kecleon, you must first attempt to steal from a Kecleon Shop in a dungeon. The Kecleon Shop Keeper will sound the alarm, inducing many more Kecleon to appear in the floor. You will be able to recruit these wild Kecleon.

How then, can one overcome the -33.9% base recruitment percentage? To recruit a Kecleon, you must therefore be level 90 or above, and have a Friend Bow equipped. This will raise the recruitment percentage of a Kecleon to -33.9 + 24 + 10 = 0.1%, which is low by any standards. As such, you may have to literally defeat hundreds of Kecleon before you can recruit one, since this translates roughly to a 1 in 1000 chance of recruiting a Kecleon.


Source: http://www.psypokes.com/dungeon/recruitment.php

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